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ELC will be doing a "CLASS" observation at some point this year. The videos and information provided through Teach Stone will help us all prepare for this test. Please see steps below on how to login and review specified topics.
Visit the Teachstone website at
Enter the following email/user name and password to access the site:
user name:
Password: Training321
(Note: the password is case sensitive)
*Click on Online courses
*Select the link titled "Helpful Resources for Teachers, Coaches and Parents"
*Scroll down until you see the box that says "toddler."
Scroll down to the category "Watch"
Review the following videos. (Videos average 1-3 minutes).
Write a 200-350 word review of what you learned from the videos and how you could apply them in your classroom. (Review should include information from each video if possible).
Email the survey task when completed.
Receive one hours (straight time) pay on your paycheck !
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